Dear customer,

You are about to place an order in our second hand shop. Please be aware, your order will only be valid after final confirmation of availability. The order needs final approval from Codex Events S.A. to be valid.

The goods are available for pickup in our warehouse. If you need shipment to your place, please be aware that shipping costs will be added to the sales price. For shipment requests please contact us via email or phone.

Your basket is currently empty.

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Please be aware, this is only a request for availability. The order needs approval from Codex Events S.A. to be valid. We will contact you right after your check out.


Stock 9h00-12h00 | 13h00-18h00

Office 9h00-13h00 | 14h00-18h00

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We conceive and implement technical solutions for your public and private events and fair stands. We rent, sell, and install audiovisual and multimedia equipment, intelligent lighting and superior sound, stagesystems and rigging equipment.
  • 36, rue d'Oetrange, L-5411 CANACH

  • +352 26 48 33 33

Second Hand Equipment